Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas 2007
Here is a song for you that the kids and some of the Tias sang before we had our Christmas dinner. Each of the children got a gift to open and they were all thrilled with what they got. The older girls got new dresses and were very happy that they could put them on and get all dressed up. The boys all got cars and are still playing with, and sleeping with them. It is a blessing to see how such a small thing can bring such joy to a child.
Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.
In His embrace
Patti Sue
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas
This is a very busy time of year here at Casa de Fe. We are now caring for 42 children and preparing for a grand Christmas feast with a 25 pound Turkey and all the trimmings.
Click here to see the latest Christmas edition of Finger Prints of Faith. For those of you who don't get it regularly Finger Prints of Faith is a monthly new letter. It can be viewed on the web site or if you would like a personal copy just e-mail me I would be happy to send it by e-mail or snail mail. My e-mail address is
Have a blessed Christmas and New Year.
In His embrace
Patti Sue
Saturday, November 17, 2007
David's Birthday
David’s first birthday was yesterday. Everyone had cake, even the kids in the other houses. David came very malnourished but as you can see is doing great.
God bless you all.
In His embrace
Patti Sue
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Today has been a very trying day. We were informed yesterday that the power may be out today from 8 am to 6 pm. I got up to get ready to go to the market and just in case took my shower early. I just got out of the shower and was telling Lordes the lady who sleeps with the babies on the weekend that the power may go out today and it sure enough did at 6:40 am. The power came back on at 5 pm. Needless to say not much laundry got done today.
While we were at the market one of out baskets that we put vegetables in at the market got run over by a truck. Ines was very upset as she was telling the driver the entire time to stop. She made the police take his license until he paid for the basket. He only paid for half but at least we got something. Ines kept saying to the police and the driver “This time it was a basket next time it will be a child”. I love Ines.
I took the 5 older girls and José to church. I made José sit with me and not go to Sunday School with the girls because he has been acting up in the house and I didn’t want the teachers to have to deal with him. After church we went out to eat and then stopped for Ice Cream for all the kids before going home. I gave each child his or her Ice Cream and then we put 3 up for children who were sleeping. During all of this a lady arrived who wanted me to take a 2 month old baby boy. I went to deal with the new baby and José decided he wanted more Ice Cream and got mad when the Tia wouldn’t give him the Ice Cream for the sleeping children. So while the Tia was helping another child with something José left. The Tias were frantic and went looking for him. All of this happened of course during a torrential down pour. I had to go to Puyo and get a Bus ticket to take Edison to School tomorrow and while I was at the Bus station I saw José, he also saw me and took off running. I went to the police station and let them know what happened and where he was.
Dario the 2 month old baby boy is now settled in and doing great. He is healthy and very cute. He is getting use to eating from a bottle and I am sure will be keeping the Tia up tonight but I am also sure he will settle in fast.
Then about 7 pm I went down to get all of Edison’s things and bring he and them upstairs so the would all be ready for our 3:45am bus. Nothing was ready. Some how the cloths that had been washed on Friday night had been mixed in with everything else, I am still not sure that I found everything. Some of it was somehow dirty again. Then when we started washing it the water went out. They are washing PJ’s for him by hand right now and the other things that were dirty are in the drier.
Well so are the days at Casa de Fe, never a dull moment and always things to pray about.
Please pray for me. I am mourning the loss of the prodigal son. I was really at the end of my rope with José and not sure what else I could have done but it would not have been to throw him back. I know some are thinking that it is good that he is gone again but each opportunity we have is one more opportunity to show him God’s love. Please pray that my heart is never hardened, that I, until I am called home cry for the lost sheep and continue to search for the lost coin. Our tears are never wasted and our prayers never fall on deaf ears.
God bless you all.
In His graspPatti Sue
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thank you all for your prayers for Edison and I. He seems to be doing great at School. We called yesterday and he was off on a walk with the young lady we hired to help with him after school. I will have a conference with his teacher tomorrow when I go to pick him up so we will know what he is learning and how we can reinforce this learning on weekends.
God bless you all.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy Birthday Dolly
Dolly had here 5th Birthday yesterday, 18 September 2007. Dolly was the first child God brought to me after we moved to Shell and I have always considered her to be an affirmation that the move to Shell was His plan. In retrospect it is easy to see that we were in God's will but at the time a very difficult decision moving away from every thing and everyone we knew in Quito. What an awesome God we serve.
Dolly has touched many lives over the last 4 years. She has an angelic face and is the child Jesus was talking about when He said "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” Mark 9:36-37
God bless you all for being a part over the years in welcoming God into Casa de Fe. May we as the Body continue to welcome Him.
In His Grasp
Patti Sue
Monday, October 15, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
My dear Prayer Warriors,
Sorry it has been so long without an update. I had a great time in the US and could feel you all lifting me up even without the updates.
Joey is doing great and I had a nice weekend with him. My mother and I drove up to Minnesota to spend the weekend with Joey. Joey and I sang together at his church and that was fun.
My parents are doing good for their ages. Mom has lost a lot of her eye sight and that is frustrating for her. My dad has emphysema and doesn't breath very well but they are both in their mid 80s.
I got to spend 2 days at CornerStone and that was very relaxing. I could have just sat in the prayer room the entire time. They, as always made me feel very welcome and I had the privilege of having them pray for me first hand.
My trip back was uneventful and all my luggage arrived with no problems. Desi and Fred met me at the Airport and brought me to their home in Quito for the night before leaving the next morning for Shell.
Back at home our family continues to grow. Adrian and Juan arrived on Sunday the 23rd of September twins born to a 17 year old mother. The father is married to another women and will not help with the boys. They are 7 months old and adjusting well.
A little later on the same day came Nampichkai Karina (we are calling her Karina) she is from the same village that Marlin was from. She is one year old and has some developmental delays. She had pneumonia when she arrived and was taken strait away to the hospital for her first 3 days at Casa de Fe, we brought her home on Friday and she is doing great.
Friday arrived the brothers Ivan 4 and Alejandro 2. More about them in another update. As you can see they are really cute (yes I think they are all cute).
I think that puts us at 34.
I will be back on schedule tomorrow. We will go to the Market at 7am and then I will take as many of the kids as I can pile in my car to church and then out to dinner.
God bless you all and thanks for your continued prayers.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Pedro singing about the chickens
This is Pedro. As you can see he is happy and loves to sing. He is doing great.
Friday, August 31, 2007
This is Pedro, I want you to see his face. I don’t usually go to a home to pick up kids. I don’t want people thinking I am coming to take their children, I would much rather have the children brought to me and given rather than taken. I made an exception in Pedro’s case. His mother was recently widowed and can not walk for any distance.
Pedro’s Uncle on his father’s side has been trying to help the family but lives 4 hours away. When he came to check on them this week Pedro had been alone for 4 days. The mother had gone out to see a doctor and was having trouble getting back.
The Uncle told me that Pedro was a normal boy, walking and playing until at age 2 he got a sever fever (I am guessing meningitis) now he has paralysis on the left side and his right side is very week. I took him to see the orthopedic surgeon at the hospital this afternoon and he said that it is probable that he will never walk. Something technical about learning balance before ages 6 to 8 years old. This is one of those things I leave in God’s very large hands.
Above is the view we had of the house as we approached.
The photo below is Pedro’s house.
This is where they sleep.
This is where they do their laundry and wash the dishes.
Please remember the face in the first photo, the next one I send will have a smile on it.
Now say a prayer of thanks to God for everything you have. Have you ever thanked God for walls in your house? Have you ever said thank you for your kitchen sink or your mattress?
Now please say a prayer for Pedro that he will adjust well to living at Casa de Fe and please also pray for his mother Lucrecia that she will adjust to not having her son there, that God will give her peace that he is being well taken care of and loved.
God bless you all.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Rebeca continues to improve. We were not able to get her pallet surgery done but hope to soon have it done in Quito. She had a cough and they didn't want to put her under.
Thanks for you continued support and prayers.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
We had a great, but short visit from Cintia's adoptive grandfather. Paul was in the jungle working on the hydro-electric plant in Macuma and stopped by for a visit. As you can see Paul has a long standing relationship with Cintia dating back to where there was just Cintia and Edison. Cintia really takes to Paul and for those of you who know Cintia this is no small thing.
Thank you Paul and Linda for your love, prayers and support of the children of Casa de Fe.
This has been a very trying week and doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon. Your prayers are so very important.
Ines's husband was buried yesterday. That doesn't make it any less painful but at least they can start the healing process. Please continue to pray for this family.
Last week we did all the prep work to have 3 surgeries done by a team of US doctors who were suppose to be here in Puyo. Well at the last minute we were informed that the team was in Tena and were over loaded and wouldn't make it to Puyo. Well yesterday in the middle of everything else I got a call that the pediatric plastic surgeon was coming to Puyo and that the 3 children would be able to have their surgeries. The surgeries will be on Friday and Saturday. Please pray for:
Things are a little crazy with 30, yes 30 children.
Thank you so much for keeping us lifted up.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
We seem to be being attacked by childhood diseases. 4 of the children in the baby house now have chicken pox, this is the 3rd round, very mild but never the less something to deal with. 3 of the bigger kids seem to have gotten mumps. This is as of yet unconfirmed and will probably stay that way as I am not going to pay for a blood test to confirm or unconfirmed the diagnosis of something that you treat with chicken soup and love. I don’t expect that any of the younger kids will get it as they have all at least had there first vaccines which included MMR.
Last Thursday we received an 8 year old boy who had run away from his 18 year old sister who has been caring for him since their parents died. I think there should be a law against children riding the buses alone. He came all the way from the coast on a bus alone. He is quite a hand full very hyper. Saturday he started having seizures, when I talked to him he said he takes a pill every morning. Yesterday the police got a hold of the family to confirm what he was taking so we could get him back on his medicine. I don’t know how long he will be with us but please pray for José Antonio.
Cruscaya is starting to calm down a little in her new environment. She still has a problem with impulse control and seems to not have a space barrier. She continues to have seizures and we are still working on controlling them.
Nicole’s procedure went well yesterday and she is doing fine today. She will go tomorrow to have the drain removed.
The team of US doctors are suppose to be here on Wednesday, please pray that we can get Esteban and Rebeca in to have their pallets corrected and that they may have someone to look at Galo’s hands.
Ines is on vacation until the 21st so I am having to do everything. Please pray that Ines has a renewing time.
God bless you all.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Thursday, August 9, 2007
I am sorry I haven’t sent out an update in a while. Things have been a bit busy but seem to be calming down a little.
The Chicken Pox seems to have run its course and every one is doing well.
Dolly is doing great and almost back up to her normal amounts of feeding with much less stress on her and us.
The land dedication went very well and I believe gave glory to God.
I am not sure who was the last child received that I told you about so if I am telling you about one you already know about please forgive me and just know they all need prayer.
This precious child Fany 4 year old, arrived just 2 days ago. At first I thought she was extremely special needs. She does have Cerable Palsy she is reacting very well to therapy; see blog at dated Tuesday, August 7 to see her in action. Her parents have done their best to care for her but have another child due any day felt it better for everyone for Mercy to be cared for her at Casa de Fe. In September Mercy will be enrolled at a school for special needs children in Puyo along with Tatiana and Cruscaya.
Work on the land is progressing but the big stuff needs big money to progress. Please join Duane and Brett (from CornerStone who were here for a week) in praying that $90,000 comes in soon, so we can get out of overcrowded rented facilities and onto the property soon.
I don’t know if I ever told you that I have a blog that I update with many photos and video clips. You can get to it by going to my web site at and then clicking on recent updates.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and have a great day.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Emily doing Therapy with Mercy
This is a working visitor, Emily doing therapy with a new little girl who arrived yesterday her name is Mercy.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Chicken Pox
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
It is a beautiful morning, I didn’t get to go for a walk this morning as it was raining at 6 am but looks like now it will be a nice day.
Yesterday was very busy. I thought we were going to get away with only one case of Chicken Pox but it now looks like Nathaniel, and Nicole have them and Dubieska and Moíses are running fevers. Chicken Pox is not really a big deal and doesn’t last very long, best for them to have it now while they are young.
We have been taking all the kids to the eye doctor. 8 last week and 10 yesterday, we will try to finish them up today. Also taking them to the dentist this week, it is a lot of work but just one of those things that have to be done.
Working on plans for the land dedication on August 4th, I have a meeting with the board this evening to firm up the plans. Duane Jones from CornerStone is coming in on the 31st and will be here through the 6th. He is the director of CornerStone and I am looking forward to getting to talk and pray with him.
A church has sent $10,000 directly to Fundacion Casa de Fe so the land will be paid for around the 1st of August. God is so good.
Craig and a great group of workers pored concrete for the bridge we needed to access the property on Monday. Dr. Wes King from Baños loaned us his concrete mixer and Luke and Paul Slaughter were there to help. I really love seeing the Body of Christ coming together to do His work.
We are caring for 25 kids right now and we are very full. The 3 brothers went home with their mother last week. She said her village thought she sold the kids and she wanted to show them that they were alright and she would bring them back on Wednesday (today) if she brings them back that will be 28. We really need to get started on the Multi-use Building, sewer system and water tower.
We have a group of 26 coming from Youth World on the 31st. That is a really big group so pray we can keep them busy and that they will grow closer to God during there time here.
God bless you all for your prayers.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Yesterday a little girl was dropped off by police. She is about 2 and has round cheeks - well fed, no apparent problems. She was found very dirty and alone on the street in Puyo. Patti Sue thinks she is Quechua. It is possible she is lost and her parents will come looking for her. A while back there was a girl brought in - she was found on a bus in Shell and was later reunited with her mom in Cuenca (which is very far away) who had been looking for her. I remember being amazed that the police here cared enough to make this happen.
Last night, we went out for Pinchos with the Slaughter family, a short term girl from Alaska, and Patti Sue. It was great food and we had a nice time. When we got home the phone rang and Patti Sue asked if I wanted to go along with her to the hospital. I went down stairs and again had a tiny girl put on my lap. This time she was two though! When Patti Sue got back from Pinchos, the workers told her "a new girl came" - Patti Sue said "I know" (thinking of the pudgy little girl that came earlier in the day) - then realized it was indeed yet another little girl. We named her Rebecca. She has a severe cleft pallet, but had surgery a while back to correct her lips. She was extremely malnourished . Her legs and bottom looked like those of an infant. But she is very alert and loves to be held. While at the hospital, the nurse told me to follow her to have Rebecca weighed - we followed the trail of blood on the ground into an emergency room with a young man who had apparently almost cut his foot off with a machete (the scale was a couple of feet from him and inches from the blood filled bowl). Rebecca weighed about 10-11lbs. We took her back to Casa de Fe and she was placed in a warm bed, wrapped in a cozy blanket. We are praying we can find someone to correct her cleft pallet. Also, if anyone is able to get special nipples for bottle feeding children with cleft pallets - that would be something that would be nice to have down here.
Patti Sue reminded me that I had asked before we came down why she doesn't send some of the children somewhere else - since Casa de Fe is so full - my heart was saying that the children I had seen and grown to love there needed the space and more individualized attention - but after being down here, holding these precious new children I suddenly understand that there really is no decision to be made. A child is brought in and a request is given to take in the child - and you see this child - this beautiful child who was created by God, who is loved dearly - and there is just no question - not only do you say yes, but you see it as a privilege to be able to hold, feed, and love this child whom the world has cast off or given up on.
Little Sara's mom came by again yesterday to nurse Sara - please be praying for this beautiful little girl, be praying for her mom to recover well and for her milk supply to stay plentiful so she can be reunited with her little girl and her family.
They will be mixing and putting the concrete on the bridge Monday. Praying for good weather!
God bless all of you for your prayers and please don’t hesitate to share these prayer requests with your prayer partners.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Friday, July 20, 2007
I have sent out many updates this week and I have felt the strength of your prayers.
This morning the mother of Nixon, Michael and Alexis came she said that her village has accused her of selling her boys so she has taken them back to show everyone that they are fine. She says she will bring them back on Wednesday as she can see that they are very well cared for, better than she can do alone. After she left with the boys I went up to the property to talk to the guy who sold us the land and also see how the bridge was coming. They had all the forms ready to pour this morning and we had a very heavy rain last night so they were straightening the forms and making sure everything was ready. When I arrived home there was another beautiful little girl the police had brought. They said they found her yesterday very dirty and alone. She looks to be about 2 years old, we have no name but Ines is calling her Patti. She is not malnourished and looks like she has been well cared for, please pray that the police can find her parents, I am sure they are worried about her.
Photo attached.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Thursday, July 19, 2007
We are doing well. 26 kids are a lot to handle in 2 houses but the caregivers are very organized. We have a group here from Youth World and they have been taking the kids to the park and doing crafts with the kids. Some of them went up to the property yesterday and helped with the bridge and swimming area. They will be here again today.
Maribel didn’t get to go to the beach because of the chicken pox and then when they were getting ready to load the bus Geovani decided not to go because he didn’t know any of the kids. Well maybe next year.
If any of the other kids are going to get chicken pox it will start this coming week. Please pray for the kids and the caregivers. It is a normal childhood thing but with this many kids it will be a lot of work. Also pray that little Sarita doesn’t get them. We have been told if her mother had them that she will have the antibodies from her for at lease 8 months.
Work on the property is moving ahead. The bridge is about half done and the swimming area is dug out. Please pray for money to come in to pay for the 3rd hector of land and start the multi use building. Craig and I will be talking to the Youth World Group tonight please pray that our words will be anointed.
God bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Yesterday was an especially difficult day. We started out taking kids to see the eye doctor. A pediatric entomologist is visiting and the hospital offered to have all the kids eyes checked for free. We got 8 of 26 done yesterday.
I had to take Dubieska to tell how she was treated by her Aunt and Uncle whom she refers to as Mom and Dad. She was a very brave little 6 year old. As I held her in my lap she recounted how she was beaten with sticks, hot sauce put in her eyes and privet parts. All I could do was sit there and hold her. I prayed for strength for her and that I wouldn’t cry. When we were finished they put her finger print on the statement and we went and got ice cream.
When we got home Sara’s mother was at the house with her grandmother who didn’t speak Spanish. For some reason she thought we were stealing babies and selling them for body parts. One of the ladies who works for me talked to her and explained that we don’t steal children or sell them. Sara’s mother wanted to take her where she is living in a room with no bed only a piece of plastic on the floor. She will soon be taking Sara out to the jungle to live with her parents and family but we talked her into leaving her with us until she was ready to go back to her home. Sara’s mother is 15 and her father is 33. He is asking for a blood test of Sara.
By the evening I was emotionally drained. We have a ladies prayer time this morning and I am really looking forward to spending some uninterrupted time at the feet of Jesus.
God bless you all for holding me up.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Marlin is back in the hospital with an as of yet undetermined infection. Please pray they can get her on the right antibiotic and she will be home soon.
Delfin (Robinson) has a cold but was sent home with some cold medicine.
Amanda has a sore under her tongue and is on antibiotics and Tylenol.
And then during all of this a beautiful 6 year old girl arrived. Her name is Dubiaska. Her Grandmother filed molestation charges against her Uncle who was taking care of her at the time. The police are investigating and in the mean time she will stay with us. She has a beautiful smile and sweet spirit. She looks small for her age but seems healthy. (Photo attached)
Craig is busy working and planning on the property. Please pray we will be able to get the materials needed to put in the bridge. Also pray that we can get the plans done for the multi-use building.
We are working on the adoptability paperwork for Rosa and Jefferson. Please pray that the investigations go well and quickly.
Cristian is very close to being adoptable.
God bless you all for your dedication to pray for the work here at Casa de Fe.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
We are doing really great.
Haven't had anyone in the hospital for over a month. Everyone is healthy and the virus that was going through the house seems to have run it's course.
The Welches are settling in and Craig is chomping at the bit to get started on the building.
We have a family coming on the 9th please pray the road will be open so I can get to Quito and they can get back here.
We have had no trouble getting fruits and vegetables and although it has been rumored that gas wasn't getting through we did get 3 tanks of gas today and I filled up my car yesterday.
Your prayers are so very important.
Please pray for the planing and funding of the building project. We have decided to build the multi-use building first as it will enable us to get on the property with all the kids the fastest.
I made you all a prayer calender for July. As it is already the 2nd I didn't put photos on the 1st and 2nd. Let me know if you like it and if it helps you pray for the kids.
God bless you all.
In His grasp
Patti Sue
Friday, June 22, 2007
God has a plan.
I haven’t gotten an update out for over a week as you can probably imagine I have been quite busy. I have received notes of encouragement from a few of you, it is great to know even when I don’t have time to send out these updates that you are all praying for all of us here at Casa de Fe.
Craig, Celeste and family are here and settling in to their new environment, as you can imagine it is quite a change for them but they are following and looking to God for each step.
Yesterday I took Craig’s parents to the airport in Quito expecting that when I returned there would be a new little boy, Boris, at the house. While we were still on our way to Quito Ines called and said that Boris would not be coming right now but maybe next week. Well when I got home at 8:30 pm I was surprised with the addition of not 1 but 2 little boys. Luis, 3 and Dennis 19 months, brothers who were found living in a 3 x 3 meter room, naked, their food left on the floor for them to eat and only a sheet to cover them while they slept on the cold bare floor. There mother left them alone from 7 am to 10 pm while she went to work. They were very dirty when they arrived but were both cleaned up sleeping in beds dressed in pajamas and clean blankets when I got home. This is what your prayers make possible. God bless you.
So this puts us up to 23 children. We are moving some things around today to fit everyone in but we really need to get going on the construction. After talking to my board of directors and Craig we have decided to start on the Multi-use building as that is a large building with a kitchen and 4 small apartments on the upper floor and with the completion of this building we could move all the kids to the property together and out of rented and very crowded facilities. We need teams and money. I hate to put that so bluntly but I think it is good for you to know how to pray. I believe that God is saying to me "Trust me I have a great plan and want only the best for you my children"
Marlin is doing great and I haven’t had any children in the hospital for almost a month. Please keep her in your prayers.
God bless you all I would love to hear from you.
In His grasp
Patti Sue